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Hands-on Agile #32: How to Win with Agile resistant teams – A Case Study

July 6, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


How to Win with Agile Resistant Teams

Agile teams don’t begin as Agile teams. They begin as a group of people with a purpose. Sometimes those teams want to embrace Agile approaches because they believe they understand the benefits and see a path forward. Often times that path is more difficult than they thought because they misunderstood the subtlety and importance of various aspects of the agile mindset and various methods. Often the team will ignore or misunderstand the significance of the external environment on their ability to be successful and will fight the wrong battles and become frustrated and even feel defeated sometimes. Other times agility is (ironically) mandated by the larger organization looking for perceived benefits or just looking for a level of standardization of methodology and approach.

👉 Get your free ticket for July 6, 2021: Hands-on Agile #32: How to Win with Agile Resistant Teams—Scott Weiner.
